Do you know what the #2 workplace injury is? Slip and Fall injuries. Did you know that $7.7 Billion is spent annually on Slip and Fall injuries? The Dual Tool™ can help in the process of preventing slip and falls. You're already mopping, why don't you scrub while you mop? You can't have a better all-in-one tool than the Dual Tool™. Tuway created this cleaning tool so businesses could have One Step Simplicity™ when cleaning floors. The Dual Tool™ provides surface agitation each time the floor is mopped. With this technology, you can clean floors 56% faster. It's ideal to use in kitchens, dining areas, restrooms, hallways, and entry ways. It's perfect for cleaning ice melt conditions in the winter months. Tuway's products are designed with a person body in mind. Save money. Save time. Cleaner floors equals reduced slip and falls. Visit the Tuway Website for more information on this product.